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About us

Our mission is to create an eco-centric economic system, that is fun, transparent and allows people to live free.

Our platform will reward those who are honest, fair and work hard, enhancing both personal and collective growth.

We believe everyone should be able to do things they enjoy in life and receive what they need and want in return, we are accelerating the revolution into an economy in which money is secondary and items and skills are your primary tools for trade.

The Ideal Trading platform is a level playing field for those who want to freelance, start a business, buy and sell goods and services, teach or learn. You are the currency.

We recognise the challenges as a species we face now and moving forward with the environment, one of the big problems we are tackling is the culture of over consumption and waste. Trading with each other reduces waste, reduces transactions, reduces carbon footprint and is completely free.

Trading directly is also more personal, which we believe is currently lost in business, imagine knowing where things come from, owning unique products, and when you buy, it also powers your local community. In our experience this leads to making new friends too.

We began this journey as we seen the growth of big businesses, corporations and empires dominating, leaving very little room for small businesses and the little people.

We want to see smaller businesses, local community’s and buying local take centre stage, this is how we will all thrive, and this is at the core of our beliefs, goals and operation’s.

We believe privacy is the foundation of freedom and we won’t sell users data to any third parties.

We will continue to develop and grow within the principals that led us to the be founding of Ideal Trade. Our mission has only just begun. We see the only limitation is the imagination of the community.